Small doughnut-shaped modules or springs placed between your teeth.
To create space between your teeth so the bands can be accurately placed.
Your teeth will be very sensitive, but the discomfort will disappear in a few days.
To relieve any soreness, rinse your mouth with hot salt water and or take two aspirin.
If you lose any spacers, call us 3 days before your next appointment!
We’ll replace the lost spacers to make adequate room for your braces.
Separators (spacers) have been placed in these designated areas to make your banding appointment much easier for you and us. They gently push your teeth apart, thus enabling bands to be placed with little or no discomfort. Should any one of these separators be lost, return to the office one to two days prior to your banding appointment for replacement(s).
Please call us in advance for this. To avoid accidental displacement, tooth brushing during this period should be in back-and-forth motions rather than up and down. Never try to remove them yourself. Sticky foods such as gum, caramel, etc., should be strictly avoided. If your teeth become sensitive during separation, aspirin or Tylenol® may be beneficial.
Should any questions arise concerning any of this information, please do not hesitate to call.