One of the most common problems orthodontists are asked to treat is the discrepancy that occurs when the upper teeth protrude beyond the lower. Ordinarily, when we see a patient with the upper teeth protruding, we tend to think that the upper jaw and teeth are too far forward; however, more often than not, this condition is due to a small lower jaw that is further back than it should be.
With these patients, the orthodontist would like to encourage the lower jaw to catch up in growth, and braces like the Herbst Appliance help this happen.
Combination Treatment
It is often necessary to expand the upper jaw while the lower jaw advances.
Expansion and Advancement
These two movements can be done simultaneously by combining the Herbst Appliance with a Rapid Palatal Expander (RPE). The RPE must be turned with a special key for several days until the upper jaw is wide enough. Your orthodontist will advise you about using the key and what to expect from this combination appliance.
At first, your mouth will feel unusually full, and speaking will be awkward. But if you practice reading aloud, your ordinary speech will return quickly. You may also notice more saliva than normal, but this will decrease as you become accustomed to this appliance.
Even though the Herbst Appliance prevents the lower jaw from moving backward, opening and closing movements still occur easily, and patients do not have any problems learning to chew their food with their lower jaw in this new position.
More braces are damaged by these careless habits than from any other thing.
As with all kinds of braces, patients with Herbst appliances need to be careful about what they eat. For instance, cold foods such as slushies, popsicles, and ice will freeze the cement and make the braces loosen. Sticky foods such as caramels, bubble gum, and candy suckers will pull the brace away from the teeth. Hard foods like crisp vegetables and hard candies will bend and loosen the Herbst Appliance too. So stay away from these foods during your orthodontic treatment.
Your Herbst Appliance will be checked and adjusted at your appointments. If you develop sore areas on the inside of your cheeks between appointments, please do not try to adjust the appliance yourself! Call for an appointment so that the necessary adjustments can be made.
More braces are damaged by these careless habits than from any other thing.